pp108 : Publishing a Project to an Organization

Publishing a Project to an Organization

This topic describes the procedure to publish a project to an organization.

When you publish a project, all its documents are validated and then published to the run time. By default, documents are published to the run time of the organization in which you develop the application. If required, you can change it in Workspace Properties.

If you experience a slow publish activity, it may be because Process Platform internally keeps track of all the publish activity which you can use for later reference, for example, changes done on a business process model on every publish. To enhance performance you can instruct Process Platform not to preserve the information of each publish activity. You can do this by setting the property development.publish.to.psl.enabled to false (it is true by default). For this you must include the below line in the cws.properties file located at <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>\<instance name>\components\cws\config.


When you set the property to false, Process Platform will not have information related to instances created on older versions of the respective documents, such as process instances of business process models. As a result, the instance information and the contents of the recently published document will not tally. To restore the publish mode, set the value of the development.publish.to.psl.enabled property to true.

  1. In the Workspace Documents, open <solution> > <project>.
  2. Right-click the <project> and select Publish to Organization. Alternatively, you can also right-click <solution> and select Publish Projects to publish all the projects within a solution.
    The publish process starts in a separate window, which also displays the publish status.

    If you publish the project in Classic View, the publish process status is displayed in a pane to the right of the Workspace Documents.

A successful publish is indicated by whereas errors are indicated by . To know details of the published project, click Details. The details appear in a Details tab. After making corrections, click Restart to publish the project again.

Related tasks

Validating a Project
Creating a Project
Uploading a Document to the Project
Viewing and Modifying Properties of a Project
Publishing a Document to an Organization